Appendix 2:


Ms. Ninis K Adriani

The Internation Visitors Programme

BRI Building, 10th Floor

JI Sudirmaan 44-46




Highlights of Qualification

§         More than 12 years working experiences in banking industry.

§         Loan officer background and training

§         Microfinance specialist   




State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY

Master of Business Administration

Majoring in Corporate Finance & Marketing.


Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia

Agriculture Faculty.




Micro Finance Training Program, NAROPA University, Boulder, USA,

July 2001


Project Appraisal Training, Asian Development Bank

Jakarta – May 1993


Basic Credit Training, Bank Rakyat Indonesia

Jakarta – July 1992  



Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Jakarta Indonesia


Microfinance Specialist

Ø       Design training program for BRI visitors about BRI micro banking system

Ø       Trainer/facilitator in  the IVP-BRI Training Program  


Loan Officer

§         Analyzed loan feasibilities.

§         Maintained loan performances.

§         Supervised projects for 2-step loans

§         Dealt with government agencies and international institutions in financing projects.

§         Set the target for all branch offices in agribusiness.


Mohamad Nazirwan


·         Personal Data:






Mohamad Nazirwan

Desk International Visitor BRI (BRI-IVP)

BRI-1, 10th floor

Jl. Jendral Sudirman No. 44 – 46 Jakarta 10210

Phone: 62-21 – 5751021



·         Experience:


1.     BRI-Desk IVP (2002) as a Senior Microfinance Specialist

2.  R& D Division (1989 – 1998) as a senior planner. 


·         Education:


1.        Graduated from Agricultural Faculty University of Sriwijaya Palembang Indonesia in 1987.

2.   Graduated from Master of Agribusiness, the University of Melbourne Australia in 2001.


·         Training:


1.        CGAP ToT on Delinquency management and Interest Rate Setting, Jakarta 2002

2.        BRI ToT, Jakarta 2002

3.        Workshop on balance scorecard, Batam 1996

4.        Workshop on budgeting, Jakarta 1995

5.        Credit Analyst course, Jakarta 1993

6.        Local area network  (LAN) course, Jakarta 1991

7.   Workshop on budgeting and profit planning, Jakarta 1990


·         Special Assignment:


1.        Member of Regional Monitoring Team for President Director, 1990 – 1991

2.   Member of Action Plan BRI Team for FSDP World Bank Project, 1993 – 1996


·         Paper:


  1. Impact of Kupedes (the General Rural Credit) on Household and Micoenterprises in Rural Areas of Indonesia.  ILFR, the University of Melbourne, 2000 (unpublished)

  2. Prospect of Micro credit: Restructuring and Refinancing Policy in Bank Rakyat Indonesia. Presented by Rudjito, President Director of BRI on One day Seminar at The Universitas of Airlangga Surabaya Indonesia, 2002.

  3. Micro banking Development, Regulation and Supervision. The Indonesian Case. Paper presented by Rudjito, President Director of BRI at APEC Micro banking Forum Mexico City, 2002.

  4. The Role of BRI in Microfinance.  Paper will be presented by Rudjito, President Director of BRI on forthcoming IDB Annual Meeting in Burkina Faso, 2002.

  5. Risk Management on Micro lending. The Best practice of The BRI-Unit. Presented by Rudjito on ABA-FIAB Risk Management Roundtable Seminar in Jakarta, 2002.

  6. Short Essay on Microfinance. The Role of KUPEDES on Micro enterprises and Household.  Training material for Micro credit Scheme Training. NAM – BRI-IVP. Jakarta, 2002.

Pearson Kalungulungu’s Resume



Pearson has over 10 of practical and hands on experience providing business advice to small and mediuim eneterprises and microfinance programs. He worked for the Small Scale Enterprises Promotions Limited in Zambia for 5 years and was involved in financing and advising small and medium scale businesses. He designed a small business development desk for Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) at the Zambia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ZACCI) and developed  training  materials in various topics and delivered training to SMEs.


Pearson also worked for a social marketing organization in the areas of organizational development, product costing and strategic and business planning.


He has been providing training and consulting services to microfinance programs in Southern African region for the past 5 years in areas such fianncial managemnt, strategic planning, product development and governance.


Pearson has undertaken a number of assignments, which include training and provision of advice to small business owners, design and development of training materials, facilitating at training workshops and provision of consulting services to MFIs and other organizations in the Southern African region.



Pearson’s main areas of expertise include: small business development, financial analysis, accounting, organizational assessment and development, marketing and market research, product design and development, business and strategic planning and evaluation of information systems for MFIs.



MBA (Final Stage), Azaliah University, USA, through distance learning, 2000 to 2002.


BA (Economics and Business Studies), with merit, University of Zambia, 1986 to1990


Graduate Member; Institute of Credit Management, United Kingdom, 1995 to1997

Sharda Naidoo

MA (Sussex)

Development Economist


P. O. Box 29572 Sandringham 2131

Tel: 27(0)11-640 5342 Fax: 27(0) 6406534 Cell: 082-886 8695





Personal Details



First Name     Postal Address Cell







Date of Birth: 














PO Box 29572, Sandringham, 2131, South Africa

082 886 8695

27(0)11 640 5342 & Fax 27(0)11 640 6534

MA (Development Economics) - Sussex

Postgraduate Diploma in Economics (1year) - Sussex

Postgraduate Diploma in African Studies (1 Year) - UCT

BA Hons (Speech and Drama) - UDW


18 February 1954



  1. Seasoned development sector professional with a career spanning 16 years

  2. Able to guide and mentor leaders of NGO’s and MSE development projects in effective business and financial management skills

  3. Expertise in small and micro enterprise policy and development programmes

  4. Sound experience in the development of educational programs for economic advancement

  5. Sound project leadership skills

  6. Experienced organiser of, facilitator and presenter at local and international conferences

  7. Advocacy skills in regulation of the small and micro enterprise and financial sector development

  8. Ability to translate international best practise in micro finance and business development services into local programmes

  9. Able to conduct institutional analyses of micro finance institutions and provide technical assistance


  1. Successfully built & positioned the Micro Enterprise Alliance as the official voice of the micro enterprise support sector in South Africa

  2. Developed a holistic, participatory model, the micro enterprise wheel to benchmark sound practices in enterprise development

  3. Designed a national micro finance capacity building strategy

  4. Developed and implemented a financial sustainability strategy for the Alliance leading to 48% operational sustainability after four years

  5. Successfully created a number of programmes for the small & micro enterprise industry using sound, research-based and international best approach approaches

  6. Established from scratch the most effective knowledge base on the small & micro industry through the creation of a resource centre

  7. Successfully managed the funding and design of a comprehensive set of technical tools for the micro finance sector.  This resulted in the creation of a qualification in micro finance for South African MFIs

  8. Established the Alliance as the strongest micro enterprise network in Africa

  9. Led the Alliance into achieving a change in the Usury Act Exemption resulting in the creation of the Micro Finance Regulatory Council

  10. Led the Alliance through research and programme design for creating provincial micro enterprise networks

Experience gained

  1. Establishment and effective management of an NGO based on sound business principles

  2. Fund raising abilities with a particular strength in setting up financial controls and managing budgets

  3. Policy analysis and development

  4. Business development services for small and micro enterprises

  5. Design and implementation of sustainability strategies

  6. Conducting needs analysis, designing programs for effective implementation in small and micro enterprise support institutions

  7. Standards generation and creation of qualifications according to SAQA (South African Qualifications Authority)

  8. Research in policy, regulation and programme development

  9. Knowledge of good governance through serving on the boards of the Micro Finance Regulatory Council, the National Small Business Regulatory Review and AFMIN, the Africa Micro Finance Network

  10. Consultant with experience in micro finance, policy and regulation and business development ser

Positions Held

  1. Independent Consultant specialising in small and micro enterprise development, policy, and micro finance (2001 – current)

  2. Executive Director - Micro Enterprise Alliance (1996 - 2001)

  3. Contract Programme Manager - Ntsika Enterprise Promotion Agency (6 Months)

  4. Development Policy Manager - CSIR (1994 - 1996)

  5. Economic Development Consultant - Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (1992 - 1994)

  6. Curriculum Designer - Post Matric Project, Careers Centre, Soweto (1990)

  7. Course Designer & Teacher - Post Matric Project, Careers Centre, Soweto & Association of Black Accountants of South Africa (1988)

  8. Project Co-ordinator - Consumer Behaviour on Black Private Enterprise Research Project (1987)

Consulting Assignments

  1. Design of Framework to Build Sustainability of Workshops for Disabled People, The Presidency, South Africa, July 2001

  2. Output to Purpose Review, Uganda Deregulation Project, DFID Uganda, August 2001

  3. Access to Micro Finance in Southern Africa, South Deep Mine Sustainable Development Programme, September 2001

  4. Course on Governance in Micro Finance for the National Housing Finance Corporation, July 2001

  5. Impact Assessment of the Mineworkers Development Agency for DFID, October 2001

  6.  Private Sector Study with Emphasis on Poverty Reduction in South Africa for Sida, October 2001 – February 2002

  7. Methods of Redeployment for Retrenched Workers for the Sustainable Employment Creation Trust, October – December, 2001

  8. Award Director for the Hollard / Mineworkers Development Agency Rural Small Business Achiever Award, January - September 2002

  9. Market Research for the National Housing Finance Corporation, January – March 2002

  10. Micro Finance Network Capacity Assessment of the Ghana Micro Finance Network for SEEP Network, Washington, April 2002

  11. Research Towards Repositioning of the PELIP (Port Elizabeth Low Income Housing) Trust for Sida and the Nelson Mandela Municipality

  12. Lender/Partner Identification and Market Research for the Home Ownership Division of the National Housing Finance Corporation, July 2002

  13. Institutional Assessments of Four South African Micro Finance Institutions and Project Identification for Sida, May – August 2002

  14. Technical Advisor to the Ubutyebi Trust, a housing finance trust working in the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality, August 2002 - ongoing

Current Board Positions

  1. Common Purpose SA (NGO promoting civil society)

  2. Pikitup (Privatised waste management company – City of Johannesburg)