Jakarta, Indonesia, 27 – 29 March 2001




1. Background


The Non-Aligned Movement Centre for South-South Technical Cooperation (NAM CSSTC) aims to contribute to the acceleration and enhancement of the development and collective self reliance of the developing country by strengthening and expanding South-South technical cooperation in the context of the International development cooperation;


NAM CSSTC further recognizes that ICT will significantly enhance such development among its member countries. The implementation of ICT worldwide has however resulted in a widening digital divide not only between developed/industrialized countries and developing nations, but also among NAM member countries.


As today, universal access, which would ensure all citizens access to telecommunication services and other ICT facilities is of critical importance in combating the challenges of increasing disparities and the digital divide;


Of particular interest is the need to overcome obstacles to such access in the Internet era where necessary infrastructure is often too expensive for widespread use particularly in the developing countries;


Taking into consideration the needs for enhancement of people-centered development and capitalization of local resources through constructive interaction among developing actors and partnership in development; the NAM CSSTC called an expert group meeting, which is attended by the 5 regions comprising of 13 countries, to discuss on the establishment of NAM CSSTC networking system with NAM member countries in Jakarta, Indonesia, 27-29 March 2001.


The meeting was opened by the Executive Director, Mr. Omar Halim. In his opening statement, Mr. Omar emphasized the followings:


Most of the NAM member counties are developing and poor


He therefore urged the meeting to:



He then declared the meeting open.



2. Regional and National Capacities


During the first day of the meeting representatives from the 5 regions presented technical papers on the networking status and the future plan of these regions. It has been reported that most countries in these regions have different levels of Internet connectivity and e-readiness and with a penetration ratio much less than that in the developed countries. However, in the coordination and future plans there are variations among the regions. Significant barriers would be coming from the proportion of member countries without Internet access or without the appropriate ICT led and related knowledge based infrastructure, capacity and capabilities to value add social and economic benefits. This indicates the need to organize substantive efforts to address the establishment of the NAM Networking System.


In the East Asia and the Pacific Region, there is an initiative to establish a regional network to connect all countries in the region using a dedicated communication network. Several steps has been taken in developing the infrastructure, liberalization of trade in ICT services, human resource development and developing standard for interconnectivity and interoperability.


In the Africa Region there is an initiative to building national information and communication infrastructure for sustainable development in Africa. This plan is still in the study stage.


In the South and Central Asia Region, most countries have different levels of e-readiness buat all have the infrastructure to join the regional  network, but there are no plans at the time being to establish the regional network.


In Latin America Region, all countries have infrastructure and e-readiness to be interconnected in a regional network. Although these countries were connected to the Internet at the same time all those of European countries, but the penetration ratio is still far from that of the average ration in Europe and there is no current plan for regional networking.


In the West Asia Region, all countries have the necessary infrastructure and e-readiness for regional networking. There are no current plan for networking countries in this region by their own. However, networking in this region is more broad to networking in the Arab world networking and the connectivity with Europe through the Euro-Mediterrania Cooperation Programmes launched in 1996.


During the second day, presentations by national experts further indicate variations in national capacities in ICT planning and implementation (development) among member countries.


Detailed information on the regional and national presentations can be found in Annex A.


3. Goal

3.1. Objectives


Based on scanning the regional capacity for networking the member countries, which have been identified above, several discussions took place to identify and assess the potential and actual elements to formulate the strategic framework for action to fulfill the Establishment of NAM CSSTC Networking System.


Recall that the establishment of the NAM CSSTC envisioned by the Heads of State or Government as one of the vital and effective means for promoting and accelerating development in the developing countries.


Recall that the mission of the NAM CSSTC is to contribute to the acceleration and enhancement of development and collective reliance of the developing countries by strengthening and expanding South-South Technical Cooperation in the context of international development cooperation.


The Expert Group Meeting recommends that the goal for the establishment of the NAM Networking System is to encourage regional policies and investment in full interaction to develop ICT led and related knowledge based capacity and capabilities of NAM member countries towards advancing international development and technical cooperation and narrowing the digital divide.


3.2. Benefits


The expected benefits to NAM member countries joining the network include, but are not limited to:


3.3. Immediate Actions


The Expert Group Meeting recommends immediate actions with balanced strategic objectives to be pursued and to be the focus for the Establishment of NAM CSSTC Networking System in line with the capacity of the regional perspectives to achieve the expected outcomes as follows:


Regional Perspective

Suggested Initiative

East Asia and Pacific

To develop interconnectivity and interoperability framework to establish the NAM Networking System.


To develop capacity and capabilities to establish regional networking among member countries with link to the NAM Networking System.

South and Central Asia

To establish regional networking among member countries with link to the NAM Networking System.

Latin America

To establish regional networking among member countries with link to the NAM Networking System.

West Asia

To establish regional networking among member countries with link to the NAM Networking System.


The Expert Group Meeting further recommends the formation of the e-NAM Task Force and its working groups to support the NAM CSSTC in regards to the organisational infrastructure and technological infrastructure issues for developing and implementing the NAM Networking System strategic plan. The charter for the e-NAM Task Force and its working groups, important affiliates to the NAM CSSTC is listed in the Annex B.


The Expert Group Meeting recommends NAM CSSTC should start to implement the following steps:


3.4. Follow-up and Feedback Process


In order to achieve the objective of the project the Expert Group Meeting recommends that NAM CSSTC should follow-up the implementation of the project according to the following stages:


a). Stage 1 (April 2001 – December 2001):


b). Stage 2 (January 2002 – December 2003):


Some issues might be considered in the future:


 Annex  A
List of Papers: (being compiled)
List of References: (being compiled)





Annex B


1.     Charter


The e-NAM Task Force and its working groups on organizational infrastructure and technological infrastructure is to function in an advisory and consultative capacity to the NAM CSSTC for the development and implementation of the NAM Networking System strategic plan. Specifically, it shall focus on the following main aspects:


Develop the NAM Networking System strategic framework with appropriate linkages to Governments, Businesses and NGOs of the member countries.

  1. Advise the NAM CSSTC on its strategic role as a regional authority to implement NAM Networking System strategic plan.

  2. Advise about the strategic directions that the NAM Networking System needs to follow in order to accomplish the NAM Networking System Vision.

  3. Advise the NAM CSSTC about new and emerging technological opportunities in ICT for the short and long-term benefit of NAM member countries.


In the short term, the focus shall be on the following functions:


  1. Suggest relevant strategic changes in policies with regard to the implementation of the NAM Networking System strategic plan.

  2. Keeping in view of other regional efforts, suggest niches for the establishment of the NAM Networking System.

  3. Suggest strategies to attract global players in ICT to NAM member countries for enhancing economic growth and productivity of the member countries. This is considered vital for the sustainability of the ICT led and related knowledge based initiatives for economic survival.

  4. Develop appropriate initiatives and strategies for attracting Government and Government networking, business to business networking, NGO and NGO networking.

  5. Identify measures and strategies to promote venture capital facilities and attracting venture capital in the context of promoting NAM Networking System or joint ventures in the member countries.

  6. Provide an expert advice on various other initiatives or policy suggestions necessary for the smooth functioning of the NAM Networking System operations in NAM CSSTC.

  7. Provide an expert advice on various other initiatives or policy suggestions to be initiated or proposed by the NAM CSSTC and its subsidiary organizations.

  8. Advise about the effectiveness of existing infrastructure with a view to exploiting this to its full potential for the prosperity of the NAM member countries.

  9. To provide a scan of leading edge and strategic technologies to promote their effectiveness in member countries through Research and Development.

  10. Suggest strategies for meeting the dynamics of demand for ICT led and related knowledge based skilled and professional expertise to make NAM Networking System effective in member countries.

  11. Examine strategies for the coordination of NAM Networking System initiatives for regional networking and provide relevant guidance to the member countries.

  12. Examine proposals and suggest measures for the establishment and facilitation of the NAM Networking System links with other international agencies.

  13. Based on their respective expertise, various members of the e-NAM Task Force shall be encouraged to offer guidance for the promotion and the establishment of ICT businesses and services in member countries.


2.     Members


The proposed members of the e-NAM Task Force and its working groups on organizational infrastructure and technological infrastructure are to be from the NAM member countries. They are to be appointed for an initial period of 3 years on terms and conditions to be determined by the NAM, at the recommendations of the NAM CSSTC.


Annex C


Short term (6 months to 1 year):


Medium term (up to 3 years):


Annex D


Future proposal for NAM CSSTC Networking System is described below:


Minimum requirements for country/focal point (future plan):

