V. CLOSING SESSION 1. Report Speech by Organizing Committee Chairman, Mr. Anang Tjahjono
The honorable Dr.Titon
Dutono, Director of EEPIS Assalamu’alaikum Wr Wb. Alhamdulillah praise to Allah, because today we have gathered here to conduct closing ceremony of the 2nd International Training Course year 2003. For 30 days, the course has been running smooth and well. 17 participants from 14 countries have attended all the courses from beginning up to the end. On behalf of the organizing committee please allow me to express my highest appreciation to all participants for their enthusiasm, cooperation and seriousness during the course. Also to all external and internal lecturers, technicians and organizing committee member for their hard work to make this course successful, with the support of our co-sponsors: JICA, NAM CSSTC, State Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia, and Directorate General for Higher Education. Hopefully all the participants could have the benefit of the training and able to utilize all the course material for improving IT implementation in their office specially and to expand the IT growth in their country generally. After the course, I expect all participants could still interact with each other and also with lecturers to continue the cooperation and share knowledge in the real activity as follow up, because the training is not last only until the closing ceremony. Finally on behalf of the organizing committee, I wish you so long and have a nice trip. Enjoy you stay with families and colleagues again, and going back to work with full motivation. I apologize for any inconvenience during the course and ask for your understanding if we have not fulfilled your needs. Like a proverb say life and work are limited, but innovations are unlimited. To Rector of ITS, would you please close the closing ceremony officially. Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.
Good morning, It is my distinct honour and privilege to address this closing ceremony of the Third Country Training Programme on Information Technology Education Methodology. In my capacity as the Programme Director of the NAM Centre for South-South Technical Cooperation (NAM CSSTC), I would like to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to EEPIS as well as to the State Secretariat and JICA, for willingly accepting us as a partner in conducting the Third Country Training Programme on Information Technology Education Methodology. This is the first joint programme with NAM Centre after three years operation dedicated to South-South cooperation. I’m very pleased to note that our first collaboration with such prominent institutions has been encouraging and identifying potential cooperation in the future. We all recognize that the information development and technological advances of the last decade have provided a stronger basis for economic growth. The world of today has the necessary resources, knowledge and expertise, as well as the technical means by which these assets can be transmitted between countries. In fact, the advanced information and communication technology (ICT) in the developed countries is phenomenal, with the computer power doubling almost every eighteen months. The developing countries should not be the exceptions to the quest for having capabilities to master the ICT. We should consolidate our efforts to enhance the capacity building of the developing countries. Such training programme as we have just concluded is vital to reduce the digital divide among developing countries. It is also encouraging to note that during the last session before the field trip to Bali, participants of this Training Programme (i.e. Uganda, Uzbekistan, Fiji, Zambia, Ethiopia, Vietnam, Kenya, Pakistan, Lao PDR, Cambodia, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, and Indonesia) suggested that a followed-up programme should be pursued in the near future to provide the trainees from developing countries with a comprehensive skill and knowledge on the IT related issues. Let me assure you that the NAM CSSTC seriously considers this suggestion for future programmes, which could be jointly conducted with other institutions that share a common concern in enhancing the collective self-reliance of the developing countries in the globalization process. Ladies and Gentlemen, I thank you all for participating in the Training Programme. It is my fervent hope that what you have learned and shared with each other during the last 4 weeks will yield positive results and bring about concrete benefits to your own country. Special thank should also go to the Organizing Committee with all the staff members of EEPIS, for their high professionalism and cooperation that make this international training programme very successful. We are fortunate for having the EEPIS as the facilitator and the implementing agency of the training sessions, as this institute has been recognized as a competent and reputable agency in the field of information technology development. Finally, we are very much grateful to the Government of Indonesia and JICA for sponsoring the programme in the framework of South-South Cooperation. Thank you.
3. Speech by Participants Representative, Ms. Edith OKOTH from Kenya
The Director of EEPIS Good morning On behalf of the participants and on behalf of the Governments represented here; I would like to thank the Almighty God for taking us through the course. For the last one month we have not any cases of serious illness or crime affecting any of participants . All is well that ends well and I believe we are having a good ending. To the technicians and the students of EEPIS, thank you for your assistance in the laboratory, To made sure everything was in place to enable smooth running of the course. I would like to thank the Lecturers from EEPIS and the External experts for your timeless efforts to ensure we get the training and the hand outs. Its my sincere hope that you will continue to assist us when we return to our countries in case in any of consultation. To the Organizing Committee , thank you for all you have done to make the training a success and our stay in Surabaya enjoyable. Please allow me to mention few names:
To the sponsor ITS, JICA, NAM CSSTC, and the Republic of Indonesia for nominating us for this course. We have learnt a lot in the last one month, Should be any further training in the same line, I hope you will not hesitate to contract us , We are very much determined to improve our ICT skills. To the participants we need to prove to the sponsors that it was worth having this course, We have been shown the way and we must get moving, if you cannot run; walk; if you cannot walk, crawl; but there has to be movement. I wish all safe journeys. Please stay in touch. Finally to our hosts and Indonesian people. If any of our utterances or behaviour did not comply the Indonesian culture I do apologize otherwise Terima kasih atas keramah tamahanmu.