(Jakarta, Indonesia, 27-29 August 2001)




The meeting is a follow-up of the previous expert group meeting on ‘the establishment of NAM CSSTC networking system with NAM member countries’ held on 27-29 March 2001 which recommended immediate actions that should be taken by NAM CSSTC. The last meeting also recommended follow-up actions to be taken to strengthen national capacities and establishment of regional electronic-linkages.


It further recommended the formation of the NAM CSSTC Task Force and working groups to support the NAM CSSTC with regard to dealing with issues on organizational infrastructure and technological infrastructure for developing and implementing the NAM CSSTC networking system plan.


Therefore, NAM CSSTC organized a meeting on 27-29 August 2001 in Jakarta, Indonesia, which was attended by 25 participants of 19 participating countries, to discuss technical feasibilities of establishing electronic-linkages among them through NAM CSSTC.


A further objective was to facilitate critical discussion on e-readiness by country resulting in appropriate manual on ‘self-assessment for e-readiness’ (1 unit) and manuals for ‘improving e-readiness’ (3 units) as well as supporting reference on ‘computer history and development’ (1 unit). Finally, follow-up agenda was finally unanimously agreed for further actions to be made by the respective countries as described in the following chapters.


Discussion on Policy Issues


1.1.  Provision of accurate figures on e-readiness at national level

It is agreed that NAM CSSTC to include measuring the e-leadership readiness level in each country in the e-readiness survey and to issue the final e-readiness survey questionnaires to each country ICT focal point within one week.
Each country ICT focal point to organize the completion and the return of the e-readiness survey questionnaire within one month.
Each country must notify the NAM CSSTC with regards to extension of its closing  deadline.

1.2.  Means for promoting the participation of NAM member countries in the NAM CSSTC networking system

Country by country proceed discussions and suggested the means for promoting the participation of NAM member countries in the NAM CSSTC networking system appropriate for each country. It is agreed that the issues identified by each country to promote NAM member country to participate in NAM CSSTC networking system as priority tasks of NAM CSSTC Task Force to be determined by NAM CSSTC and it is agreed that the implementation of the remaining action agenda must align with those strategies:

  1. ways to maintain the operation of NAM CSSTC networking system to ensure its usefulness to NAM member countries;

  2. enhancement of NAM CSSTC’s website and its network-supporting system;

  3.  improvement of internet security issues.


Issues to Promote Participation in NAM CSSTC Networking System


Following are the main issues raised by country during the plenary on the follow-up proposals:


  • Determine data types required for databases.

  •  Recognizing regional grouping is important due to varies of languages and level of ICT environment as well as technical capabilities.


  • Regional workshop to raise awareness of e-leadership is a critical success factor to promote the ICT diffusion in the NAM member countries.

  • Extending NAM CSSTC website by hyper-linking with the appropriate NAM member websites.

  • Use discussion list and database of expertise.

Sri Lanka:

  • Use meta-database in centralized and decentralized forms.

  •  Use ready applications such as virtual IT e-learning, on-line applications,help-group on-line and distribution list.


  • Identify ICT diffusion barriers, support and targets for on-going activities. For example, establishing tele-center requires equipment and training, leadership role and workshop experiences.


  • Database on contents and speech and hyper-linking websites. Approach rural areas with agreed activities and timeframe and needs leadership to be aware of what’s going in ICT diffusion.


  • Establish regional connectivity setting.

  • Select core members.

  • Commitment from highest possible stakeholder.

  • Sell ICT ideas to gain top budget priority such as to fight poverty.

  • Establishment of focal point database linkages with business partner.

  • Interface between Government and Business.

  • Government as the prime driver for ICT diffusion.

  • Self-assessment survey to provide benchmark-lagging necessity.

  • Availability of technology catalogue such as mySQI,

  • Use of bilateral languages in websites.

  • Relevant content is relative.

  • Establish guidelines.


  • Recognizing basis for ICT diffusion to include cost and benefits, with targeted timeframe.

  • Narrow digital divide as results of technology changes and ICT trends in pricing. Continuous awareness for that cannot optimize and fear of being isolated.

  • Use who’s who database.

  • Compile ICT-led laws.


  • Compile databases.

  • Address rural/poor people not avail to access.

  • Highlight benefits.


  • Needs how to develop ICT databases.

  • Needs to share experiences.

  • Use discretionary measures on databases.

  • Needs to recognize ICT experiences are NAM countries varied.

  • Develop regional NAM meeting and one meeting in NAM CSSTC.

  • Needs to know the kind technology already use in different NAM country.


  • ICT critical to Madagascar in terms of economic and social.

  • Needs supply of info with objectives and targets.

Burkina Faso :

  • Cost issue.

  • Practical applications.

  • Digital conference.


  • Type of databases required including knowledge.


  • Recognize ICT is critical and suggested type of resources include contacts, NAM CSSTC website, mailing, news and three working groups on policy, technical and web-based content development.


  • Highlights benefits of intra and inter-connecting countries.

  • E-learning issues.

  • Strengthen National IT Council.

  • ICT diffusion should align with each member country national development. For example align with poverty programme.

  • Identify common presentation structure.