Keynote Address and Opening Remark
By H.E. Sudjadnan Parnohadiningrat Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
At the Opening Session of the Inter-Governmental Meeting of Experts to Formulate “Psychosocial Programme for Rehabilitation of Tsunami Survivors” (Jakarta, 4 April 2005)
Excellencies, Distinguished Experts and Participants, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am greatly honoured and pleased to welcome you to Jakarta and to this opening ceremony of an important Inter-Governmental Meeting of Experts to Formulate “Psychosocial Programme for Rehabilitation of Tsunami Survivors.” I would also like to extend my warm welcome to all prominent experts who have made the effort to be here with us. I know that you have a hectic schedule but your presence here is highly important and appreciated. Allow me to take this opportunity to extend our profound appreciation to all parties involved since the preparation stages, especially to representatives of foreign missions and international organizations, as well as to our colleagues from the Ministry of Health, Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Public Works, Ministry of Social Affairs, and NAM CSSTC, for the substantial support in making our meeting today possible. As we all have been aware of, since the global leaders gathering in Jakarta on 6 January 2005 to discuss the tsunami that devastated countries around Indian Ocean, international assistance has been outpouring to the affected countries. We see that the immediate needs have been mostly identified to assist the tsunami survivors by providing appropriate supporting progammes, such as: shelter, food, health, economic recovery, infrastructure, water and sanitation. However, one important action is still urgently required, that is to provide psychosocial assistance to the survivors, despite most tsunami survivors never seek professional therapy to deal with the emotional impact of traumatic events. Our Meeting today should be able to address this need. Excellencies, Distinguished Experts and Participants, Ladies and Gentlemen, Learning from some basic thoughts and experiences of experts on post-traumatic therapy, we may identify several principles that are fundamental to posttraumatic therapy, among others are: (i) the normalization process; (ii) the emotional healing process; and (iii) the individuality principle. We understand that every individual has a unique pathway to recovery after traumatic stress. These three principles can be expressed in various ways and supplemented with other important tenets. Our gathering here is intended to formulate psychosocial programmes that relate to the efforts of providing necessary assistance, at least on four aspects, namely: health, education, social support, and housing. On the health aspect we note that how physical activity, nutrition, and mentality contribute to the healing of the whole person. The health workers who promote the healing will serve as a teacher and a coach, offering the most appropriate concepts that might work for them. On educational aspect we may basically promote the community-based learning centre to accommodate their needs for skill and knowledge improvement, both in formal and non-formal training systems within local cultural values. On social aspect, it may include methods that enhance social support and social integration. Most important thing is the sensitive assessment of social skills, the enhancement of these skills, the reduction of irrational fears, and the expert timing of encouragement to risk new relationship. Another urgent assistance through which should be addressed is the provision of shelter. Housing aspect is another spearhead that has to be properly prepared for the survivors in order to re-start their livings in the right manner. It is true that these four aspects are not comprehensive yet to respond the post disaster impacts for the survivors. However, they are the basic and the strategic steps to bring the survivors together for future better livings. Excellencies, Distinguished Experts and Participants, Ladies and Gentlemen, The initiative of the Government of Indonesia to conduct this Inter-Governmental Expert Meeting reflects our commitment provide the most appropriate assistance to the survivors of tsunami earthquake who experience serious psychosocial problems. We also involve NAM CSSTC to facilitate the meeting. In this opportunity, allow me to briefly share piece of information on the development of NAM CSSTC. It was established during the summit of Non Aligned Movement in Cartagena, Colombia, in 1995, at the initiative of the Government of Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam. Since 1998 the Centre has been conducting many programmes and activities for capacity building in various fields of development. Its main objective is to empower national and collective self-reliance of developing countries, so as to enable them to participate more actively in this era of globalization and liberalization. For the last two years, NAM CSSTC has been working under the supervision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. Its programme activities are designed in line with Indonesia’s foreign policy that places great importance to South-South cooperation. For this purpose, the Centre has concluded several cooperation Agreements, among others with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific (CIRDAP). The Centre continues to expand its networking and partnership with other international institutions that share common objectives and interest to enhance development effort in developing countries. Excellencies, Distinguished Experts and Participants, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am convinced that you will go through a productive sharing process and successful deliberations during the next two-day sessions. We hope that this expert meeting could achieve its objective and contribute to the needs of rehabilitating tsunami survivors through psychosocial programmes. With the active participation of number of competent experts from different countries here, we are confident that our meeting will be fruitful and beneficial. Finally, may I declare this Inter-Governmental Meeting of Experts to Formulate “Psychosocial Programme for Rehabilitation of Tsunami Survivors” open. Have an enjoyable stay in Indonesia. Thank you. |