This Report is written to complete the second phase of the Batch II of the Third Country Training Programme on Microfinance for African Region: Establishing and Managing Micro Finance Institution conducted from 27 October to 11 November 2008, in NAM Centre Building, Central Jakarta, with field studies to Yogyakarta. It contains proceedings of the training, comprehensive evaluation and some recommendations for future training programme. The project was implemented jointly by the Government of Indonesia, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Non-Aligned Movement Centre for South-South Technical Cooperation (NAM CSSTC), under the five-year Cooperation Agreement. Ten participants from eight African countries took part in this training programme, namely Algeria, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Namibia (2 persons), South Africa, Sudan, Uganda (2 persons), and Zambia. As the implementing institution, NAM CSSTC has actively involved in the effort to promote the development and mobilization of microfinance schemes for developing countries. NAM CSSTC has conducted series of consultation and training activities to promote the microfinance sector in practical ways. Such training programme is, indeed, a significant contribution for poverty eradication through provision of microfinance support system, especially for African region. In this training, participants from Uganda and Madagascar write in their Back Home Plan asking further request for JICA and NAM CSSTC to dispatch experts to provide field assistance in Uganda and Madagascar. Uganda needs further assistance to start sharia scheme in the microfinance, while Madagascar needs more technical knowhow to establish PNM-type supporting institution to develop microfinance. All participants’ Back Home Plans are attached in this Report. This report is written to meet the requirement of JICA in completing the TCTP on “Microfinance for African Region: Establishing and Managing Micro Finance Institution.” It could be an additional reference on microfinance development that has become common concern of the developing countries. Jakarta, 22 December 2008
Esti Andayani Director of NAM CSSTC |