The Closing Ceremony for the training programme was held at the NAM CSSTC Meeting Room of NAM Centre Building on 20 November 2007 at 01:00 pm, following the presentation of participants on their Back-Home Plans and Overall Evaluation facilitated by Mr. Achmad Rofi’ie of NAM CSSTC. The Closing Ceremony was attended by the representatives of the State Secretariat and JICA Indonesia Office.

The Closing Ceremony started with a speech from the Participants’ Representative, Mr. Alfred Van Rooi of Namibia. He took this opportunity to thank the Government of Indonesia, JICA and NAM CSSTC for hosting this important training programme. He said that all participants have really learned in depth the establishing and managing of MFI. The success of Christian Magli in Bandung is a testimony of the success of microfinance development in Indonesia. It is a challenge that the participants must take back to their countries. He is convinced, all participants are unanimous that the Sharia system is an important tool in including the underprivileged in the eradication of poverty. The participants trust that they shall be ablie to inform their respective governments to take this system into consideration.

 Following Alfred’s speech, a Closing Statement made by Ms. Esti Andayani, the Director of NAM CSSTC. She expressed gratitude to the State Secretariat and JICA for their support and continued cooperation. Congratulation was granted to the training instructors and facilitators for their success in facilitating the sessions and the Committee members for their excellent contribution. Proudly to say that the first phase of the second batch of this training has been completed successfully and contributed positively to the development of microfinance in African region. He positively looked forward to conducting another training programme next year, and finally congratulated all the participants, the very best and safe journey home.

Another speech was delivered by Ms. Dinur Krismasari, the Deputy Director of JICA Indonesia Office. Firstly she expressed her congratulations to all participants who have successfully completed the course with strenuous efforts and willingness. She mentioned another important aspect of the course is the establishment of interpersonal networking among professionals across the world boundaries. It was expected that after returning home, participants would disseminate the knowledge they have learned and further support South-South cooperation among their countries. Finally she expressed her sincere gratitude to all lecturers and officials of NAM CSSTC, State Secretariat, Department of Foreign Affairs, and other related authorities for their whole-hearted cooperation and collaboration.

A final Concluding Remark was made by Mr. Suprapto Djogoikromo, Director of Bureau for International Technical Cooperation of the State Secretariat. In his remark, on behalf of the State Secretariat and as the National Focal Point for the Third Country Training Programme in Indonesia, he extended his congratulation to all participants for their completion of the programme successfully. Further, he mentioned that this training programme is one of several training programmes which are aimed at the developing human resources of the developing countries in facing various challenges. In this opportunity, he thanked the lecturers who had given their valuable time which provided us with valuable experience and knowledge on the subject matter. He was confident that the training would be beneficial to participants personally and to their respective organizations. The highest appreciation is given to JICA and NAM CSSTC which jointly made the course successful. It is hoped that the participants to have nice trip back home. Finally he officially closed the session.

Following the Closing Statement, all participants were awarded with Certificate signed by the Director of NAM CSSTC and the Resident Representative of JICA Indonesia Office.

Preparation of Back-Home Plan 

As part of the training programme, participants were requested to prepare paper concerning what to do in their respective countries after the course completed. The purpose is to evaluate whether the participants have attained the objective of the course and whether it would be applicable to their respective tasks. In this regard, Mr. Achmad Rofi’ie delivered the summary of key issues discussed in the course which might be further referred to as a framework for back-home application (Briefing on the Preparation of Back-Home Plan). The back-home plans prepared by the participants were finally submitted as an important part of the training course.  There are 7 (seven) common concerns/statements of the participants reflected in their Back Home Plans. They are: (1) Microfinance is a strategic tools to alleviate poverty; (2) There’s an urgent need for African countries to conduct capacity building programme for the existing MFIs and human resources working for microfinance development, both at policy and operational levels; (3) Encourage mobilization of available resources, such as technology and financial/capital; (4) Strengthening network of the stakeholders (Government Agency, Bank, Private, NGOs, etc); (5) Empowering community-based economic development focusing on micro and small enterprises, especially in rural areas; (6) Need to study, analyze and implement the Sharia financing scheme and Management Information System (MIS); and (7) Addressing budget constraints in terms of availability and methodology. The is another specific case written by participants from Mozambique and Zambia. Both of them need to improve access to cross-border trade and investment opportunities (regional cooperation) under SADC member countries framework.