Appendix C: List of Training Facilitators 


  1. Mr. Herman Yoseph Susmanto, Former Senior Official of Bank Indonesia.

He was the Branch Manager of Bank Indonesia for Europe and Africa based in London (1996-1998); Director of Money Circulation (1988-2000); and Assistant to the Board of Governors of Bank Indonesia (July 2000).

  1. Mr. Emanuel Haryadi, Vice Chairman of Bina Swadaya Foundation.

He is specialist in participatory training, management and consultancy for community-based development.

  1. Mr. Fransiskus Djaka Purnama, Full time official for banking and microfinance specialist for Asian Development Bank Technical Assistance; Financing integrated settlement development project.

He is specialist in community development, microfinance, community studies and relations.

  1. Mr. Yosef Arihadi, Director of Microfinance Centre of Bina Swadaya.

He has many experiences as researcher, training facilitator, and consultant in community development and microfinance.

5.      Mr. Suwani, Manager of Microfinance of Yayasan Dharma Bhakti Parasahabat.

  1. Mr. Titus K. Kurniadi, Chairman of Koperasi Bina Masyarakat Mandiri and Chairman for Committee of Fund Source Development, Gema PKM Indonesia.

  2. Mr. Ditto Santoso, Head of communication Unit, Bina Swadaya Foundation.

8.      Mr. Slamet Riyadi, Microfinance Institution appraisal and ratings team for its linkages to commercial bank, Mercy Corps.

9.      Mr. Binahar Sihotang, Senior Official of BANK Danamon  



  1. Mr. Meinrad Indra Cahya, Branch Manager of Self-Reliance Development Foundation’s Microfinance Programme for Pulo Jahe Region, East Jakarta.

  2. Mr. Rito Sukamto, Director of the Association for Advancement and Small Business, Bandung.

  3. Mr. Rukmana, Division Head for Shari’ah Business of Bank Jabar, Bandung.