on the recommendations of the Expert Group Meeting on āIdentification
of Major Issues in Eradicating Poverty and Fostering Rapid and Equitable
Developmentā in NAM member countries, convened by NAM CSSTC in April
2001, the Centre decided to follow-up with providing a forum for media
experts and Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) representatives to
discuss and make recommendations regarding their roles in generating
popular participation in the development process in NAM member
countries. It has been recognized that in order to attain rapid,
sustained and equitable development, NAM member countries have to
emphasize the direct involvement of all people in the development
process, especially the poor. Popular participation is not only in the
formulation of policy, implementation of policy, but also in monitoring
and evaluation of policies, programmes and projects.
In this case, the
media and NGOs are the two groups of people which are best able to
assist or to make it possible for the people to participate fully in the
development process. The role of media and NGO in harnessing the popular
participation in the development process of the developing countries is
therefore considered extremely important or perhaps indispensable. NAM
CSSTC therefore invited media experts and representatives of NGOs from
different NAM member countries to a meeting held in Jakarta, Indonesia
during 29-30 April 2002 to deliberate on the relevant aspects of the
role of media and NGOs and also to make recommendations to enhance their
role in poverty eradication and economic and social development. NAM
CSSTC presents this report for the consideration of NAM governments,
media, NGOs, and others to start discussions and thinking on this issue.
the next few years, NAM CSSTC intends to follow-up on the
recommendations presented by the experts with the objective of assisting
interested NAM member countries in translating ideas into concrete
programmes and actions on the ground.