The meeting of experts and
decision makers on ‘Increasing Prospects for Rapid and Sustainable
Socio-Economic Development through Business Incubators and Entrepreneurship’
was successfully conducted, from 21 to 23 October 2003, at the Sheraton Utama
Hotel, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam. The meeting was enriched by six
different critical perspectives of the experts from South Africa, Zambia,
Bangladesh, Zimbabwe, Peru, and Brunei Darussalam. They presented comprehensive
papers for the meeting on: (1) Business Incubators as a Tool for Promoting
Small and Medium Entreprises; (2) Capacity Building and Training Programme to
Enhance Competitiveness of SMEs; (3) Financing and Source of Fund for Business
Incubation; (4) Access to Technology and New Product Development; (5) Fostering
SME’s Sustainable Integration into Global Markets; and (6) Institutional
Support for the Development of SMEs.
Seven country reports were also
presented by participants from Lesotho, Namibia, Nigeria, Thailand, Pakistan,
Sri Lanka, and Panama. A number of country reports were included in the meeting
kits for reference. The agenda of the meeting was conducted in four sessions,
i.e.: presentation of the experts; presentation of the selected country reports;
field visit to industrial complex and site; and group discussion and summary of
the meeting.
The outputs of the meeting are
practically reflected by the views, conclusions and recommendations made by the
three different groups. Group 1 which discussed ‘Macro Issues’ has clearly
identified: (1) the role of government; (2) the problems affecting government
policies; (3) the importance of donor contributions; and (4) the role of NAM
CSSTC as supporting institution. Group 2 which discussed ‘Micro Issues’ has
deliberated: (1) the type of government policies; (2) the social, economic and
cultural issues; and (3) the proposal on entrepreneurship skills upgrading
programme for SMEs by involving NAM CSSTC. Group3 which discussed ‘Critical
Challenges’ in the setting-up of incubator elaborated critical issues of: (1) the
philosophy of SMEs; (2) the role of the private sector; (3) the institutional
supports; (4) the complementing and the government action on partnership,
employment creation and mobilization of resources; and (5) the conclusions and
recommendations, including for the NAM CSSTC’s future concrete works dealing
with SMEs development.
This report covers all the
proceeding of the meeting, substances discussed, as well as the papers submitted by the expert to the Committee.