Day 5


Before starting today’s session, course coordinator welcomed participants in the 5th day’s session, which is also the last day of the training.


It can be mentioned here that participants worked in small group for the preparation of presenting their field experiences.


Presentation by Group 1


Village – Janakur, Kapasia

No. of member – 47

Age of VO – 2 years


Observation about group members;


§         Members are not hardcore poor

§         Members are very disciplined and formal meeting

§         Members are well aware of saving and credit system

§         Conscious about savings and credit instalments

§         Environment of the locality is hygienic

§         MELA activities were satisfactory

§         Yearly targets split into quarters

§         Key performance indicator well displayed


Lessons learned


§         Organizing in sensible way – Poor – good results

§         Different products are essential

§         Higher loan amount should be given reasonable repayment period

§         Regular group meeting build social affiliation and empowerment

§         Better working environment given better outputs

§         Setting target increase the performance of the staff




§         Inadequate time of filed visit does not fulfil the purpose, more time should be given.

§         Ownership of the microfinance should given to the poor people, the group members

§         Amount of weekly savings should be relaxed

§         Management committee members should be rotated more

§         Need to have a group centre office

§         Incentive for prompt and advance repayment should be provisioned


Presentation by Group 2


Name of VO visited


§         Name of village: Nawagaun

§         Total member: 45

§         Formed: 2 years back

§         5 members in each small group


How VO is formed?


BRAC people make individual contact, observe the areas and the livelihood conditions of the poor, divide them into marginal poor, poor, poorest and destitute, based on formal survey and accordingly prepare a report. BRAC from VO with poor families. VO members select the management committee of the VO.


Member selection criteria


§         Local people

§         Having good reputation

§         Economically active

§         Land holding less than 0.5 acre

§         No member of BRAC VO should be the member of other NGO group

§         No productive assets


Considering factors to evaluate the borrowers


§         Must be VO member

§         Regular attendance in the VO meeting

§         Regular savings

§         Follow 18 promises

§         Good behaviour

§         Priority to female-headed household

§         Reference by group


VO Discipline Factor


§         Regular attendance

§         Regular savings

§         Follow VO decision

§         Increasing trend of savings

§         Good record keeping

§         Good repayment behaviour





§         Aware of health activities

§         Good repayment behaviour





§         Attendance should be singed properly

§         Chairman of the VO will take the attendance

§         Need training in better utilization of credit


Presentation by Group 3


Main financial services


Savings, Credit and Death Benefit


Different types of credit product


1.      General loan

2.      Programme credit

3.      Small enterprise credit


Age of the VO was 1 year 10 months so we found only general credit. But they know other credit products of BRAC. In addition VO member are very popular for general credit.


Only savings found due to short age of the VO visited. But savings is functioning adequately and the range is Tk. 10-30 per week. They knows another two savings products – (b) Compulsory savings, (c) current savings account


Interest paid on member savings is 6%.




1.      No specific mechanism to assess impact in terms of FA

2.      BDS is not found

3.      There is no training for strengthening members as well as good services (financial and sectoral)

4.      No participatory approaches in case of centre operation management

5.      There is no positive indicators of money management capacity

6.      What about follow up on loan utilization?




1.      VO management should be participatory and accountable

2.      Transparent

3.      Good governance

4.      Consider customers independence

5.      Follow up, monitoring on loan use by women should be strengthen

6.      Always keep its policies and pulse changing and modify amid fierce competition

7.      Provide services like rural micro banking institution, which BRAC cannot provide how BRAC has to belief that it has potential to carry out micro banking operation.


Presentation by Group 4


Program visited: Micro Enterprise Lending and Assistance (MELA)


Major Enterprises:                              Engineering





Age limit of the members to be enrolled under MELA: 20 – 55 years


Equity financing requirement: 20%


Other requirement like previous experience in enterprise, collateral and personal guarantee is also required.


Terms and Conditions –What we learnt


Loan size ranges from Tk. 20,000 to 200,000

Repayment through monthly equal instalments

Loan period: 12 months, 18 months, and 24 months

Rate of interest 15% (flat)


Monitoring and Recording


Physical monitoring by BRAC people, Recording in the books and documents.


Presentation by Group 5


Findings: The financial statement prepared in the area office contains the detailed information and financial status of the area office that one can find it at a glance.


Learning: As far as we have the example of the financial statement and understood that it is very good for each organization, accordingly we would try to adopt it for our organization in the same way.


Recommendation: The the organization has the MIS but they distributed the financial statement for the month of December 2002, where they could distribute the updated financial statement as of February 2003 showing usefulness of the MIS to the participants.


Finding: The MIS of BRAC is good and comprehensive. It also maintained good transparency with the clients in all kinds of activities.


Learning: We learnt that MIS is a must for good microfinance programme.




Before closure of the day country wise action plans were prepared by the participants for back home application.


Followings are the action plans prepared by the trainees:


Harry Lekamge


Sarvodaya Economic Enterprises Development Services (Guarantee) Limited


Over organization has 3 sections:

-         Management Training (MTI)

-         Enterprise Development (ESD)

-         Banking




-         Institutional Training

-         Enterprise


-         Enterprises Promotion Activities

-         Technical Training

-         Marketing

-         Information Centre


-         Savings

-         Credit


My Expectation (1-12 months)

-         To share my experience of the staff

-         To introduce ratio analysis (one financial statement)

-         BRAC, Grameen, ASA with same activities to be carried out with other organizations will be tested

-         Will present my study to management meeting (next month)


We need:

-         Technical assistance

-         Consultancy Assistance (MIS)

-         Training Assistance







Md. Ibrahim Biswas

BRAC Cnetre, 75 Mohakhali, Dhaa 1212, Bangladesh

Tel.: +88 (02) 988-1265-2312; Fax.: +88 (02) 8823542; E-mail:


BRAC’s Credit Plus Development Approach:

BRAC not addressing only financial needs though MF but also considering important issues like health, education and social development that goes beyond the access to credit opportunity thus BRAC always emphasize on developing a credit plus approach towards economic development that is well reflected is its multi-dimensional development activities.



-         Credit, saving and debt benefit, 3 products of credit program; and

-         other major activities are: agriculture and socio-economic activities dealing with horticulture, education, health and social development.


Action plan:

Discuss out Senior Management Level as well as Field Level with the field staff within April 2003 which.


Assistance need:

-         I need technical assistance

-         Education at field visit MF related organization in other countries (such as BRI in Indonesia)



Aishath Ikram

Ministry of Planning and National Development


Our organization does not directly deal with micro finance; we provide assistanc ein planning and implementing development projects and act as the mediator between the proposing parties (of development projects) and the funding sources.



-         However, we do need trained personnel (in Government and NGO) ion the field (Micro Finance); as well as technical assistance as the field in being established and is quite new in the country

-         I believe much research is needed in this field as the situation: the geographical & economic is quite different from most S.E. Asian countries.


Time frame:

As soon as negotiations are finalized.



Afghanistan BRAC

Regional Office

Mazat Road

Chikar Parwan Province Unit Manger


I work in BRAC Office in Afghanistan. My work experience is only two months. I am very happy from this training because my work is micro finance and education and health now. All microfinance information I discuss with all P.O. MF and all new information is valuable to support our programme for poor people in Afghanistan.


Israr Mohammad Khan

Assistant Director

Dr. Akhtar Hameed Khan National Centre for Rural Development and Municipal Administration

Ministry of Environment. Local Government of Pakistan, Islamabad



The brief list of major activities being undertaken are given below

(by our organization)

-         To make, analyze, comment on various policy drafts and projects in the areas of environment, Local Government and Rural Development as and when required by the Government

-         To conduct/organize various Seminars, Training Courses, Workshops and Conferences on the issues of our portfolio

-         Ro undertake the research studies regarding the issues of Environment, Local Government and Rural Development

-         Currently our organization (estab. 1983) has conducted more than 150 workshops, seminars and conferences, and trained more than 3000 persons of various functionaries of Nation Buildings Departments, NGOs and elected representatives. Also produced more than 50 research papers (published).



-         We require training infrastructure like more computers, multi-media equipment and resource persons

-         We can develop a working liaison with NAM Secretariat for mutual collaboration and cooperation in organizing various activities of interest in both the countries. For this, Government of Pakistan may initiate a formal MOU with NAM Secretariat.


Time frame:

Any time this year.






Bhupendra Baksa Lamsal





Institution for Integrated Development Studies (IIDS) is an NGO registered under the social registration act 1977 of Nepal. Generally IIDS has two types of activities: one is General Research and another is Action Research. General Research is concerned with the national level issues. It helps to provide several information to the Government in respect of policy making. On the other hand it has Action Research activity also. It is implementing the self reliant development of the poor by the poor (SRDPP) in the ultra poor societies in the different districts of the country. The programme has covered 16 districts out of 75. SRDPP has followed a holistic approach. It has mobilized micro credit as a seed capital.


Planned Activities:

-         All the activities of SRDPP are launched through saving and credit co-operatives societies. The saving and credit co-operatives are not able to calculate the financial ratios and break even points so I will be responsible to provide such skills of those co-operatives within three months

-         SRDPP has thought to promote the micro enterprises development activities in ultra poor societies but by the experiences learned by BRAC it is not possible to make them entrepreneur. So I will be responsible to implement the programmes in poor and the other types of programmes will be launched in ultra poor societies.

-         Training to the field staffs will be organized very soon.


My central office has to help me:

-         in financing for the trainings

-         my institution need this kind of trainings in future also


Abdul Khaleque

Regional Coordinator


9/25, Sir Sayed Road, Mohammad Pwr., Dhaka 1207

Tel.: +880 (2) 811-5459; Fax.: +880 (2) 9121538, E-mail:


UDDIPAN – a national level non-Government Development Organization stated its programme in 1984 aiming to bring out the upliftment of socio-economic and cultural condition of rural and urban poor in Bangladesh. To achieve the objective UDDIPAN has to take various types of socio-economic activities like – training, saving, credit, plantation, water and sanitation, gender, child development Programmes and so on. UDDIPAN covered more than 1.50 Lacs household so far in 10 districts. It disbursed about 100 … as loan. Present outstanding balance is 16 …. And accumulated saving deposits are 10 …. by its member.



-         To start the ratio analysis at branch level to judge the performance of staff as well as area offices

-         Receiving the delinquency rate

-         Impact assessment: it should be done whether the organization is achieving its objectives

-         Control mechanism: audit and re-monitoring: though we have the section, we are indeed to regularly audit and monitor our activities.


Assistance need:

-         Training for staffs

-         Computerization of Area offices



Md. Mounirw Islam

Buro, Tangail, BapanpavaBazitour Road, Tangail – 1900

Tel.: +921 54224; Fax.: +921 54518, E-mail:



An independent, sustainable, cost-effective microfinance institution that provides diverse, appropriate and market responsive quality financial and business development services at competitive prices to very poor and vulnerable non-poor customers.



-         Flexible Financial Services

-         Domestic Resources Mobilization

-         Institutionalized Capacity Building

-         Human Resource Development

-         Disaster Management Project

-         Operation Research


Operational Performance:

Operational Area: BT 2501 villagers in 207 unions in 42 thanax of 17 district in Bangladesh.



It had 81 branches with 1015 staffs which includes 205 females.



The numbers of primary customers showed at 135.570 which is 35% than previous year.


Portfolio of saving services:

The accumulative savings TK 14.6033520

Loan outstanding is: 44.35,675001.



The cumulative profitability TK: 63.306 million.


Activity like to introduce:

-         Research Market for new product development and linkage with market in case of Micro Entrepreneurship Development.


Time Frame:

One Year i.e. 30 June 200329 June 2004



-         Fund for Training

o       Book keeping accounting Costing and Pricing

o       Marketing Awareness

o       Competition Creation with Market to produce innovation things

o       Revive existing product for diversification

-         Technical Assistance for Training and Fund for Training to save rural poor people


Expected donors:

National, International and Regional

            National: BRAC

            Regional: NAM (Funding) and Technical Assistance

            International: Overseas donors lobbing, supporting and Alliance Buildings


Impact of the Intervention:

Which is very helpful for family sustainability and reducing lending for MFI. Financially well off and living in heritage of traditional rural products.


Aminullah Khair Andish

Organization profile: Attached



The most attractive and lesson I learnt and I would like to adopt in my organization would include the followings:

-         Market Research for product development

-         Internal Control System

-         Financial Ratio Analysis

-         MIS

Actually we have some systems, but the methodologies thought in this workshop were more comprehensive, therefore, I would bring some improvements by adding some methodologies in our already system.



I would be in need of more discussions with our organization board members in this regard, to provide the necessary materials or I may request fro more training on the above issues.


Time needed:

Actually, I would need at least one month to work on summarizing of what I would like to do for the above issues, and to discuss them with the board members of our organization to adopt it accordingly, after approval of the issues by the board members. On May and June 2003 I hope we would have an improved system


Muzaffar Madaminovich

Ministry of Economy

Uzbekistanskaya 445 100003 Tashkent, Uzbekistan


The Micro-financing is very new on Uzbekistan. Within two last year issued a number of regulatory documents to creation of legal framework for micro-financing.



-         Working to creation of comprehensive and transparent legal framework

-         Conducting seminars, trainings

-         Consulting to encourage micro-financing development


Assistance needed:

-         Consult in legal regulation

-         Experience sharing

-         Conducting training for MF in Uzbekistan

-         Technical assistance


M. Latif Malik

Regional Programme Officer

National Rural Support Programme

Head Office: 46 Agha Khan Road, Islamabad, Pakistan



-         Promoting increasing trend of

-         Saving among communities

-         Micro credit development

-         System of depositing that saving

   to NRSP         * Capacity Building

* CPI with communities



One year from May 2003 to May 2004



-         Conduct a series of Training Programme in different location of the country

-         Create Awareness about importance of saving


Assistance needed:

-         Designing of Training by BRAC

-         Course Contents by BRAC

-         Financial Assistance by NAM

-         Material (element) to the training by BRAC



H.S. Srikantamurthy

MYRADA (Mysore Resettlement and Development Agency)

MYRADA, No. 2, Service Road, Domlur Layout, Bangalore, Karnataka State, India

Tel.: +91 (080) 5353166; (08391) 355307



MYRADA founded in the year 1968 by Lt. Davidson and Mr. Brower. From 1968-1978 Resettlement of Tisatan Refugees in three places. 3.000 families of 15.000 Tisatans are settled. The activities achieved are infrastructure, agriculture, Basic Amenities, Cooperatives Societies Diary Development. 1978-2003, working with the Rural Poor of India through Community Based Organization. MYRADA is a non-profit Making Agency and not a MFI. It mostly depends on Internal and External donors for its survival. The real MFIs of MYRADA are the community based organizations like Self Help Affinity Group (SAGS). The organization interested in group approached rather than the individual. SO far it has formed 9.000 and above Self Help Affinity Group and take up savings, credit and credit plus programme through them. MYRADA never handles the people’s money. In turn educates the people to do the credit and savings business on their own.





Time Required


Ratio Financial Analysis if Self Help Group

(in my project)

By September 2003

(six months)


Training to stay on MFI and Learning from

this programme

By June 2003

(three months)


Internal Control

By June 2003

(three months)



By December 2003

(9 months)


Assistance needed:

No. 1; 2 Activity: Technical assistance with reard to training and technical part of ration analysis. Because so far we are not practicing the ratio analysis

No. 3 Activity: Frequent feedback from the concerned/community


Md. Abus Samad


23/3 Block-B, Khiljee Road, Mohamad pur, Shamolly, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Tel.: +880 (2) 8110934-45


ASA has been established in 1978 as an NGI. Later it specialized in Micro Finance and emerged as Micro Finance institution. We covered 2.2. million people in our country.

ASA’s micro credit and savings programme plays a vital role in reducing poverty of this distressed people.



ASA has to programmes

-         savings

-         credit


We introduce death insurance in our organization. We are practitioners. But we are not academician. So we required Finance Analysis assistance.

We need some training assistance fro our organization, especially Financial Ratio Analysis.





Financial Analysis

3 months


Delinquency Management

6 months


Death Insurance

After one year


Internal Control



Assistance needed:

NAM can assist to give technical support.

S. Layanwala

Banking Financial Activities Divisions

Samurdhi Authority of Sri Lanka, 4th Floor, Sethsiri paya, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka



  1. Establish Apex body for Samurdhi Bank Societies (1015) at Head Office. Need a legal assistance
  2. Introducing Electronic Data Processing System (EDPS) for selected Head Quarter offices and to improve EDPS of Head Office.

Required assistance for Financial and human on Programming (Technical)

  1. Diversification of MF product - particularly credit. Have adequate resources


Time frame:

-         Activity 1: within a year

-         Activity 2: within 5 years (completion period)

-         Activity 3: Immediately will be done. Within 3 months this will be implemented by ourselves.


Narayan Battarai

Agricultural Development Bank, Kathmandu, Nepal (Est. 1967)

Tel.: +977 (1) 425-359; Fax.: 426-2929; E-mail:


ADB/N have launched the microfinance program from 1975 as a special Proram. Small Farmer Development Programme (SFDP). It has been started as a pilot project, one in hill area of the country and another one in Terai (…) in Nuwarkot and Dhamusha. Nowadays the programme have been covered by 75 Districts at least one in a district. In 644 VDC (Village Development Committee) with held 24461 Groups with 165.679 members.



The programme major activities are:

-         Financial activities

-         Social activities

-         Community activities

-         Training activities  

In financial activities: the programme launch:

-         Loan

-         Saving

-         Insurance Facilities for the animal husbandry


The donors and outsider do not help you for ever so our organization started to Institutional Development Program (IDP) from 1994 with the Technical and Financial Assistance from GTZ.

Nowadays we have already handover the 101 small farmers co-operatives to the member of organizations. After IDP the involvement and activities of organization is increased.


Action Plan:



Time Frame

Assistance Required


Experience sharing with colleagues




Producing new product which will be popular in our atmosphere


To advice the new product which is implement-able to scattered and hilly area


Training on new product


Provide Training to other actors in the organization


The hand over of SFDP to SFCI is has been continued and then my institution will support them by whole by lending and training component




TOT will be held for training to hand over new IDP staffs and Committee

February 2004

Assistance to Development Training materials and Resource Persons


MIS System Development

April 2004




Saleha Sadat

Area Office

PoliSulehta House No. 1574, Street-07 District-06, Kabul

Cellular: Md. Tajul Islam: 070 284178



-         Micro Financing

-         SEP Loan


At first day something that I new about micro finance. Financial Services for the poor and about information of Grameen Bank. Marketing and interest about customer loyalty. And I learn something when we went to the field. And I saw some different in the field like members photo on the passbook and computerized sheets.

When I go to Kabul I will inform my staffs about everything and I will discus with them about going to the field …. And soon and also I will do something like BRAC offices in Bangladesh. I like it is helpful for me and useful. I will do that thing which I learn next month.


Md. Harun or-Rashid

Grameen Bank

Mirpur-2, Dhaka 1216, Bangladesh



Grameen Bank is providing credit to the poor people of the rural areas in Bangladesh to make them self employment. Specially it gives priority to the women  for this empowerment. It is also working for social developemtn and for the education. Grameen has program for the hard core poor in a small scale.

After returning from this workshop I like to expand this activity. Apart from this, I like to work also with the people through our organization. I like to make strong attention to make financial analysis in all stages.


Assistance from NAM

-         Technical Assistance

-         Training of all employees who will work for us.

-         Marketing their products

-         A small amount of fund for workshop to replicate this program


Time frame:

Tentative time to make a good position – 3 years.


Muna Nepal

Institute for Integrated Developemnt Studies

Purano Baneswor, Kathmandu, Nepal


Organizational Profile:

IIDS is in Baneswor in Kathmandu, a non-Government and a non-profit organization. Working poverty alleviation through assisting in policy making to the Government of Nepal. There are two wings as areas of working:

-         General Research

-         Action Research

Under Action Research we are working on group Approach and Micro Credit, program are adopted fro economic upliftment of the poor people. So, besides we are complementing other Social development program such as community developemtn, health, education etc.

Action Research Program is started from 1984. in 16 District and 63 villages. We want to extend our program with establishment of a Cooperative Organization in the village.



When I go back to the organization I will share all knowledge gained during the training period and field visit.







Reporting about training

Within first week



I want to follow children education program in our program area

One year to back



I want to organize MFI Training the Cooperatives established in the rural areas

One year to back

Technical/financial or collaboration with NAM



Md. Zakir Hossain

Deputy Director

Thenghamara Mohila Sabuj Sangha (TMSS)

P.O. Box 66, Bogra, Bangladesh


This is a gender sensitive, values driven, highly client oriented, pro-active non-profit national level non-government organization.


Goal of organization:

Empowerment of women.


Action of plan:






To arrange a workshop ‘Internal Control System’

May 2003

High level Staffs


Delinquency Management and Financial Ratio Analysis Training

April-May 2003

Branch Manager to area Staffs


Micro Finance Business and Planning

1st week of June 2003

High level Staffs


Support needed:

Only for Technical Assistance from CSSTC/BRAC-Bangladesh.





Organization profile:

Bhutan Development Finance Corporation (BDFC) is an autonomous financial institution established in 1988 by Royal Government of Bhutan. Its primary role is to provide financial and advisory assistance to the entrepreneurs, especially for the rural areas for undertaking agriculture and livestock activities. It has branch offices in all 20 districts. BDFC has formulated a loan and savings Product-Group Guarantee Lending and Savings Scheme (GGLS) to cater to the financial needs of rural poor, who have to access to formal financial assistance from other financial institutions.

BDFC is located in Thimphu, Bhutan.


Action plan:



Time frame

Assistance required from NAM


Identification and segregation of targets clients

April-May 2003



Developments of savings and credit products for different target clients

June-August 2003

Training on ‘Product Developments’

(3 days)


Development of Business Plan (2003-2007)

April-May 2003

Financial Assistance,

Training (3 days)


Identify and finalize the key Performance Indicators (KPI)

April 2003



Development of Management Information System and Acquiring appropriate software (upgrade the present banking software, which is not meeting the needs of the organization)

April-June 2003

Financial and Technical Assistance



Kapila Nanda Mondal

Vivekananda Sevakendra-o-Sishu Uddyan

Ullon, P.O. Ramlochanpur, 24 Pgs(s), W.B. India PIN 743336

Tel.: +91 (3174) 277451/986; Fax.: 277385



It was established in 1983. We are working without any Government or Funding Agency. At present our clients are 18,000.

Cumulative Deposit                       : US$ 23 LACS

Cumulative Disbursement : US$ 2,200,000

Saving Balance                              : US$ 65 LACS 

Outstanding Balance                     : US$ 5,5, LACS



Savings and Credit Programme through Individual Method


We are also doing social work from our own fund. Yearly cost 7-8 Lacs, 40% of net profit.


Working area:

South 24Pgs District


Assistance required:

-         We need a person, who can review our existing MIS, give recommendation and help implement the same => at first

-         Add us to your mailing list and inform us about your activities, training, publication, etc.

-         Technical assistance by various Capacity Building activities, specifically for improving MIS


Area expansion:

We need Soft Loan or Small Fund for Social and Development work.


Action plan:

Delinquency and Financial Ratio, from June 2003


How to do:

Basics of Micro Finance Business Planning



Closing Remark by Mr. Rachadi Iskandar


Mr. Rachadi Iskandar, Director of Administration and Finance of NAM CSSTC, made a closing remark following the presentations of the trainees’ follow-up plan. He noted the following points:


  1. In general the participants learned new things which are more details in certain subjects and went deep down to the core of them particularly then it comes to the problem solving;


  1. Intensive discussion was constructive that makes this training lively and productive;


  1. Experience sharing proof to be valuable inputs to enable the participants to improve their organization working system when the need arises and expansion of their activities possible;


  1. With regard the field trip, I should say that BRAC has given us a better picture on hoe micro finance working on the ground. I recognized also how the participants feel very enthusiastic by questioning member of the organization in the village and the shop owner who are participated in BRAC programme;


  1. Technical sssistance were requested for certain activity.


The Board of Directors of NAM CSSTC is convinced that the training would not only enrich the participants with knowledge, but also it could contribute to the enhancement of micro finance development in this region, so that at the end of the line the poor and potential people could generate uplift their income and their economy status and gradually poverty could be reduced.


The Board of Directors of NAM CSSTC once again would like to express appreciation to the trainees and BRAC who has shown excellence performance and arrangements that make this training a success. As I mentioned earlier in the occasion of the opening of this training I invite suggestions from the participants for the conduct of this training and what steps should be taken further in order that micro finance could position itself as a vehicle to eradicate poverty. NAM CSSTC has plan that in the future we would monitor the result of the training that has been conducted so far. For that a questioner would be sent to each of you to set a better picture as to whether these trainings has multiplier effect to the growth of micro finance in the respective country.