Government of  the Republic of Indonesia 


Non-Aligned Movement

Centre for South-South Technical Cooperation



Yogyakarta, 20-23 August 2007



Violence against women and children has taken place in and outside their family. Discrimination against them in the workplace and institution is continuing in spite of the on-going democratization process. Women and children trafficking are quite alarming that needs bilateral and international cooperation to solve it. Women trafficking is partly caused by economic problem such as increasing unemployment. This situation is exacerbated by the lack of legal protection for women and children. Therefore, the role of government and civil society to end this unjust practice is important.  

Problems on violence and trafficking have become a major concerned. There have been many long strides and turning points for the women’s movement since the UN Decade for Women (1975-1985), marked at  each point by binding frameworks and policies enacted at international, regional and national levels to provide human security to women. The global campaign for women’s human rights was aimed to move the advocacy to address centuries of suffering, injustices and discrimination that society has continued to inflict on women to another stage that seeks social transformation. In these times the women’s movements face new challenges and impetus to examine the different facets of women and development. In this case, attention to challenge the increasing of violence and human trafficking and the effort on improving women quality of life, particularly in developing countries, becomes more important. 

Women empowerment programmes to improve the life of women -- including their children -- in many sectors have been globally recognized and substantively formulated through various international commitments. Among others are the Convention on the Elimination of All Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), the Beijing Platform for Action (BPFA), and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). However, many developing countries struggle to fulfill CEDAW and those twelve crisis areas of BPFA, as well as MDGs. 

In developing countries the quality of women’s life has not significantly improved, especially in the fields of education, health, economic, politic, and legal supports. Hence there is an urgent need to find possible institutional support for women and children such as Women Centre. In fact, Women Centres have been in place in some countries with different names, policies, programmes, priority areas and problems. Therefore, exchange of views on all aspects of the Centre is needed to improve their services. 

The Indonesian government has a strong commitment to protecting and empowering women. The establishment of State Ministry for Women Empowerment reflects the importance of issues relating to women. The Ministry has developed policies and programmes on gender mainstreaming, improvement of women’s life, women and children protection, and empowerment of social institutions. 

One of the best practices developed in Indonesia is the establishment of community-based integrated service centre for women empowerment and children protection spread out in provinces, districts and cities both in Java and other islands. The Centre gives assistance and advocacy to women and children in solving their problem such as trauma caused by psychological and physical violence, verbal and sexual abuses as well as trafficking. The Centre also provides information on vocational education, health and income generating activities. The Centre may function as a safety home as well for those who need assistance. In helping the victims the centre has been closely cooperating with hospitals and other related institutions. The Centre is now enhancing their scope of services by providing programmes to empower women in economic field, as the Centre of information on policies and programmes on women empowerment and child protection, gender issues and the like.  

Indonesia wishes to share its experience in this field to other developing countries. To this end, the Government of Indonesia, through Department of Foreign Affairs and State Ministry for Women Empowerment, in cooperation with Non-Aligned Movement Centre for South-South Technical Cooperation (NAM CSSTC) conducted a workshop on ‘Development of Women Centre’ in Yogyakarta, on 20–23 August 2007. 



The main objectives of the Workshop are as follows: 

1)      to exchange views among participants on common problems, challenges, and solutions to the problem and challenges faced by Women Centre;

2)      to exchange views on the development and management of Women Centre;

3)      to exchange views on policy and programme on women empowerment and protection of children; and

4)      to prepare a workable action plan specifically to develop, strengthen and manage Women Centre, either at local, national or regional levels. 



1. Arrangements made by the Organizing Committee  

The arrangements made at the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Jakarta and Adisucipto International Airport in Yogyakarta were fully supported by the NAM CSSTC office located at NAM Centre Building (Jakarta) and Grand Mercure Hotel (Yogyakarta). 

All participants including resource persons were provided with transport facility according to their flight details. At the Committee Secretariat in Grand Mercure Hotel, LCD, screen, cameras, video camera, laptop computers with printers along with staff and operator were provided. The Organizing Committee provided VIP treatment for all guests and participants. All these preparations and supports contributed a lot to success of the Workshop. 

2. Opening Session 

The Opening Session started at 09.30 in Pandawa Room, Grand Mercure Hotel.  The guest book was placed to register by the invitees and registration forms were also distributed to the participants to fill in. The Pandawa Room was packed with personalities. The event was attended by about 150 persons including the participants. Mass media also attended the session which was telecasted in the evening news by local television and on the press on the next day. 

The session started with the welcoming remarks by Ms. Esti Andayani, Director of Technical Cooperation of Department of Foreign Affairs and NAM CSSTC. While expressing sincere thanks and appreciation for the cooperation and support of the State Ministry for Women Empowerment and Provincial Government of Yogyakarta Special Region, she conveyed the warm welcome greetings to the guests and participants of the Workshop. She stated that the Workshop conducted today is in line with the policy of the Government of Indonesia in promoting South-South cooperation, particularly in the field of capacity building of developing countries. She also mentioned that this Workshop will be supportive to the global effort in achieving the Millennium Development Goals as set out by the United Nations to halve the world poverty in 2015, especially in addressing the gender issues. The Workshop will provide participants from ASEAN countries with opportunities to share views and experiences on gender problems, challenges, potentials, and appropriate solutions, especially on the protection and empowerment of women and children through appropriate supporting institutional development. 

Following the welcoming speech, Mr. Tri Herjun Ismaji, Secretary for Provincial Government of Yogyakarta Special Region, delivered a statement on behalf of the Governor. He mentioned there is a promising improvement for Gender Development Index (59.2) and Gender Empowerment Measure (54.6) based on Human Development Report 2004. Factually, gender issues had been promoted by Madam Kartini, moreover the Indonesian Constitution also explicitly stated that all citizens are equal before the Law. The principles of equal rights and non-discrimination are officially included in many regulations and the National Legal Framework. No doubt, promotion of supporting programmes for women empowerment and children protection is fully supported by the Provincial Government of Yogyakarta Special Region. In line with this policy the Governor gave appreciation to the Workshop Committee, he extended the Governor’s message for the success of the Workshop. 

Thereafter, H.E. Mrs. Meutia Hatta Swasono, Minister of Women Empowerment of Indonesia,  delivered the opening remarks and thanked for taking part in the event. She said that he Workshop was very important to be part of the cooperation efforts among developing countries which focused on how women empowerment be approached from a more practical fashion. Women and gender issues are cross cutting issues in all development programme in every country, that’s why gender is mainstreamed into policies and programmes. However, it is indeed not easy to comprehend how gender issues can be translated into tangible activities, in many ways, eventhough gender issues can formally be integrated into policies but, in its course of the implementation, we often observe that it evaporates along the way. She further stated that the Workshop would strengthen the cooperation of countries in the ASEAN region, the different aspect of the women advancement. She expected the Workshop would be the beginning of wider cooperation with other developing countries in Asia and even Africa. Our reaffirmation on Asia-Africa cooperation and cooperation among developing countries can gain much with what we start today. Finally, she officially declared to open the Workshop on Development of Women Centre, may God grant blessing, guidance and protection to us in an endeavor.    

3. Workshop Substance  

          The Workshop covered focused topics as follows: (1) Women’s Human Rights; (2) General Introduction on Development and Management of Women Centre; (3) Experiences of 10 ASEAN countries; (4) Best practice of the Integrated Services for Women Empowerment and Children Protection in Yogyakarta; (5) Best practice of the successful women-organized traditional herbal drinks production in Bantul; and (6) Policy issues, technical aspects, and linkages on developing women centre. 

4. Resource Persons 

Total number of the resource persons participated in the Workshop is 10 persons. They are from: (1) Indonesia: 8 persons from Department of Foreign Affairs, State Ministry for Women Empowerment, Human Rights National Commission, and Integrated Service Centre for Women Empowerment & Children Protection; (2) The Philippines: 1 person (who is also becoming participant) from National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women; and (3) UNDP, 1 person who is a Gender Specialist. 

5. Participants 

There are 41 participants from 10 ASEAN member countries participating in the Workshop. They are: (1) Brunei Darussalam, 1 person; (2) Cambodia, 2 persons; (3) Indonesia, 29 persons; (4) Lao PDR, 2 persons; (5) Malaysia, 1 person; (6) Myanmar, 1 person; (7) The Philippines, 1 person; (8) Singapore, 1 person; (9) Thailand, 1 person; and (10) Vietnam, 2 persons. By gender composition the composition is 35 female (85%) and 6 male (15%) participants.  

6. Methodology 

The Workshop was conducted through: 

1)         Participatory approach;

2)         Presentation of Country Reports,

3)         Field visit to one of the best practices on the development of integrated services for women empowerment and children protection;

4)         Formulation of Action Plan, both at national and regional levels. 

The official language of the Regional Workshop is English. 

7. Special Dinner, Field Visit and Sightseeing Arrangements 

On the first day, Secretary of the Provincial Government of Yogyakarta Special Region invited all participants to a Welcoming Dinner at the Prince Joyo’s residence with three selected traditional dances. Another Batik Fashion Show was also organized during dinner on the second day. 

The Organizing Committee arranged two field visits and a sightseeing trip in the honour of participants. The Workshop-related field trips were organized to visit one of the best practices in empowering women & protecting children in Yogyakarta and to the successful women-organized traditional herbal drinks production in Bantul (out of Yogyakarta). A sightseeing trip was also arranged to Borobudur temple followed by visiting an exhibition of products by women. 

8. Closing Session 

On Thursday, 23 August 2007, in the afternoon a Closing Session was arranged at 15.30 hrs. The event started with the speech of the participants’ representative, Ms. Sharifah Rahamah binti Syed Muhammad, from Malaysia, who expressed her sincere thanks and appreciation to the Government of Indonesia and NAM CSSTC  who successfully conducted the Workshop. All participants have shared their knowledge and experiences through very productive sessions. The participants had learnt a lot on how to improve the life of women in the fields of education, health, economic, politic and legal supports. Learning the best practice directly from the field was also another great lesson making participants impressive with the works of the Indonesian women. The participants would surely bring home a package of excellent Workshop materials. With God Will, the participants will follow-up the Action Plans already prepared in the last day of the Workshop. 

Ms. Esti Andayani, Director of Technical Cooperation of Department of Foreign Affairs and NAM CSSTC, conveyed her heartiest congratulation and expressed her appreciation to the resource persons, participants, and the Organizing Committee members for making all excellent arrangements which made the Workshop successful. She was convinced that the participants were really able to learn not only important subjects during the workshop, but also to exchange experiences on the practices of developing and managing women centre in different countries. She wished all resource persons and participants safe back home bringing a good memory about Indonesia. 

Ms. Raldiastuti Koestoer, Assistant Deputy Minister for Women Empowerment, expressed her sincere thanks to all authorities for making the Workshop fruitful. She recognized the Workshop  has brought some important benefits and common ground for all, among others are: (a) strengthened relationship among participants; (b) exchange of experiences particularly on the efforts to reduce violence against women and children; and (c) action plan to strengthen the development and management of Women Centre, at local and regional levels. At the end, while closing the Workshop, she assured that the Government of Indonesia would continue to extend its support and cooperation in future activities. 

Thereafter, the certificates were awarded to the resource persons and participants by Director of NAM CSSTC and Assistant Deputy Minister for Women Empowerment and photographs were taken. One group photograph and CD-Rom containing all Workshop materials and photo image of activities were distributed to each participant. 

9. Evaluation

The Workshop was attended by 41 participants from 10 countries, namely Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, The Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. Mostly they work for Government (93.75%) and private (6.25%). None works for NGO nor academic. 

An overall evaluation was conducted on the last day before the Closing Session to evaluate the conduct, programme contents and deliveries, resource persons, the attainment level of knowledge discussed and the overall participants’ observations on facilities and secretariat services. The summary of the evaluation based on the Evaluation Form distributed to participants (tabulated by Ms. Christina Sudiro and analyzed by Mr. Achmad Rofi’ie) is as follows: 

Concerning the Workshop Subjects and Resource Persons, participants expressed excellent (29,41%), good (52,94%), fair (4,12%), and no comment (13,53%). On the presentation of Country Reports, participants expressed excellent (15,27%), good (61,28%), fair (14,06%), and no comment (9,39%). Participants expressed excellent (27,78%), good (58,33%), fair (5,56%), and no comment (8,33%)  for the Best Practices they visited both in Yogya and Bantul.  

Concerning Workshop Materials, participants responded just right (58,82%), too much (14,71%), not enough (8,82%), and no comment (17,65%) for the quantity. For the quality they expressed very good (29,42%), good (58,82%), fair (5,88%), and need improvement (5,88%).  Participants valued level of complexity and satisfaction as follows: just right (52,94%), difficult (2,94%),very difficult (5,88%), too simple (14,71%), and no comment (23,53%). 

Concerning Workshop Methodology, participants said very good (26,47%), good (52,94%), just right (14,71%), and no comment (5,88%) for Plenary. Participants said very good (41,18%), good (50,00%), just right (5,88%), and no comment (2,94%) for Group Discussion. Participants said very good (29,41%), good (50,00%), just right (14,71%), and no comment (5,88%) for Field.  

Concerning Allocation of Time, participants said very good (29,42%), good (55,88%), fair (5,88%) and no comment (8,82%). Group Discussion was mostly chosen (52,78%) while Plenary was voted less (13,89%) same with field (13,89%) and no comment (19,44%). Participants gave highest response on 3-5 days for duration of the Workshop (73,54%), 6-8 days (8,82%), 10 days (8,82%), and no comment (8,82%). 

Concerning Learning process, participants felt learning much (55,88%), quite a bit (14,71%), and no comment (29,41%). 

Concerning the Relevance and Benefits to the participants’ professional functions, they responded very much (41,18%), much (44,12%), fair (11,76%), and not at all (2,94%).  

Concerning Room and Facilities, participants said very good (47.06%) and good (44,12%), fair (5,88%), and poor (2,94%).  

Concerning Field Sites and Facilities, participants said very good (38,24%), good (47,06%), fair (11,76%), and no comment (2,94%). 

Concerning Services and Facilitation by the Staff, participants expressed very good (38,24%), good (52,94%), fair (5,88%), and no comment (2,94%). 



          On the last day of the Workshop, the participants were split in two groups. The first group was chaired by Ms. Noryani binti Haji Abdul Rani of Brunei Darussalam, and the second group was chaired by Ms. Manuela Mallari Silva of the Philippines. 

            Their outputs are described on the following tables. 




Actions Required







Law and legal framework:





a. Government policy

Advocacy for policy maker

Through Negotiating/lobbying

Continue raising awareness


MOU among Asian Countries

G to G agreement

National level

Regional level


b. Regulation at all levels of governance




- Enhancing women participation in politic  and decision making

- Push the government to implement the regulation effectively at all level


- Socializing the regulation

Strengthening the implementation of CEDAW ratification in each country (regulation and implementation) in order to eradicate violence and trafficking against women and children

- Capacity building for women

- Political awareness

- Gender awareness


c. Protection for implementation

- Improving public education  for women and children to seek help early (effort can be done by government, NGOs, private sectors and communities)

- Enhancing system and facilities on education, health, economic, psycho social, and advocacy for the victims.


- Protection agreement for women worker (female migrant workers)

- Standing committees between neighboring countries

- Improving the effectiveness of Asean Confederation of Women Organization Meeting



Public advocacy:





a. Gender sensitivity

Integration gender mainstreaming into planning and budgeting both national and local level including private sectors 

Improving the effectiveness of Asean Confederation of Women Organization Meeting

Gender Responsive Budgeting


b. Network building

- Improving the effectiveness cooperation  among government agency, NGOs, private sectors, communities with Women Development Centers

- Setting up of website concerning gender issues

- Promoting and marketing of victims products including exhibition

- Enhancing gender awareness cooperation

- Setting up of website concerning gender issues

-Promoting and marketing of victims products including exhibition



c. Concept of women centre

- Integrated social services and holistic help for women and children

- Encourage and motivate rape victims to access visitee voluntary test for HIV/AIDS 

Special representative to put our voice



Training and education:





a. Women centre counselors and officials

Training professional skill,

Regional exchange in expertise in training



b. Life skill and entrepreneurship

- Management skill

- Partnership with private sector and women organization

Continuous Technical Assistance from NAM Center and other stakeholders



c. Pre-marriage counseling

Encourage the couple to attend pre marital counseling ( financial planning, reproductive and sexual health, blood testing,  equal relation, children right)

Continuous Technical Assistance from NAM Center and other stakeholders



Direct support:





a. Medical and legal assistance






- Capacity for medical provider

- Free or subsidized medical expenses for victims

- Enhancing gender perspective for police, judge, court and communities leaders

Continuous Technical Assistance from NAM Center and other stakeholders



b. Shelter and appropriate facilities

 Enhancing Shelter and appropriate facilities for victims

Continuous Technical Assistance from NAM Center and other stakeholders



c. Monitoring government policy

- Regularly meeting, field visit and follow up by government agencies and stakeholders

- Inviting local leader and focusing on grass root level


Sharing benchmark through annual reports, meetings, workshops/seminars 



d. Monitoring and evaluating programme activities

Inviting local leader and focusing on grass root level

Sharing benchmark through annual reports, meetings, workshops/seminars 



e. Database development

- Research action on development of women center

- Dissemination of data collection 

- Data networking

- Mapping problems identification

- Mapping status of the case

- Standardized of data collection

- Sex Disaggregated data (gender sensitive)


-  Research action on development of women’s centers

- Standardized of data collection

- Data networking



Universities of Women Studies







a. Government

Enhancing the commitment of the government in term of gender issues (budgeting, empowerment, capacity building) 

Enhancing the commitment of the government in term of gender issues (budgeting, empowerment, capacity building) 



b. Community

- Developing vocational education

- Raising gender awareness through campaign, mass media, leaflet……

Regional campaign



c. Private sector

Encouragement of social responsibilities

Encouragement of social responsibilities



d. Income generating activities

- Improving skills capacity through life skill for victims

- Providing of soft loan

- Comparative advantages of products

- Promoting and marketing products including exhibition


Regional promoting and marketing products including exhibition



e. Membership

Women Center Association

Regional Women Center Association





Actions Required







Law and legal framework:





a. Government policy

a. Must have the legal policy in woman  empowerment as basis for the establishment of the woman center

b. Must have regulations that clarify objective of the center, the roles of the different partners, the programs, and the mechanism support

c. The policy should clarify that the concept of woman center should be for and by the people

a. There must be an agreement among ASEAN member to support the establishment and implementation of woman center (As an agenda item in the ASEAN Committee on women)

- issues of trafficking









b. Regulation at all levels of governance

a. Local Regulations must clarify objective of the center, the roles of the different partners, the programs, and the mechanism support




c. Ensuring for implementation

a. The regulations must specify the institution that will establish and supervise the woman center

b. There is the policy that the clients have free payment in government hospital.

c. Minimize the process (bureaucrat) in handling client.



d. Monitoring and Evaluation of the policy

a. The regulation must provide for monitoring and evaluation



Public advocacy:





a. Community awareness

a. should inform the people about the center through publication, media, web-site, call center, etc

b. inspire/ encourage community involvement and ownership

c. Promote the center as providing several services

Sharing of Experience and information on the implementation of the woman center trough:

  - meetings

  - exchange of materials

  - workshop

  - study tour

  - email/ mailing list

  - website

  - internship




b. Gender sensitivity

a. make community more gender aware

c. Avoid the negative stigma for woman who come to the center

d. Partners must be gender aware



c. Partnership and network building

a. Multi- sectoral partners: government, NGO, community, and private sectors, professional

b. Supported by the regulation

c. Involvement of victim who were previously assisted by the center as peer counselor

d. Involve the men in advocacy of the center



Training and education:




a. Women centre counselors, officials, and community

a. For the counselor:

  - counseling skill

  - gender awareness training
  - de-stressing

  - laws, social, context, religion aspect

b. For officials and workers: there should be standard requirement for professional skill ex.:

 - leadership

 - gender awareness and skill

 - management

 - administration

 - attitude

 - fund raising skill

c. For the community: gender awareness training.



b. Life skill and entrepreneurship for women

a. Bussines education

b. Capital sourcing

c. Marketing

d. Branding and packaging

e. vocational training

f. etc.



c. Pre-marriage counseling

a. Education for young people: assessment, communication, conflict management, family financial management, reproductive health, and the concept of marriage and family.

All material must be gender sensitive.


Direct support:




a. Medical and legal assistance

a. There should be list or directory of service providers

b. There should be MOU between the center and service provider (hospital, lab, lawyer, etc) that be freeing client from the payment



b. Shelter and appropriate facilities

a. Shelter must be secret and special place for the VAW victims

b. The woman center must be accessible and safe place

c. Should have space for special/ specific course

d. Provide Child care.



c. Database development, Monitoring and evaluating programme activities

a. There must be database and information system that:

- must have password and id case for the computerized database

- must have detail client information

-must include the step by step process in providing the service (easier to tracking)

- have information about the network member/ partner: address, name of contact person, and other information to the network

- must generate report and how to distribute (who get it)

- must include assistance given to client

- status of the case.

b. Feedback from the client on service provider

c. Database and system information management should be computerized







a. Government

a. government contribution from the regular budget for infrastructure, operational, and programs in running the center

b. The government must pay the salary of the core staff



b. Membership/ Community

a. membership contribute: commitment, physically, time, idea, facility, and/ or financial (if it is possible)

b. Voluntary contribution from the community in term of cash and services



c. Private sector

a. For the corporate: Gender sensitivity for them to include support to the woman center as part of their CSR (Corporate Social Responsibilities)

b. Income tax deduction for the corporation contributing to the center

b. For the NGO:

- involve and support with woman center to encourage community to support the center

- Educate the community to improve the gender awareness, health, economy, law, education, etc.



d. Income generating activities

- fund raising from the conducted business and services, example: rental space/ facilities, training, sales of women’s product, etc.




            Workshop on ‘Development of Women Centre’ has satisfactorily achieved its objectives. It is supported by the evaluation as statistically shown in the earlier chapter and spontaneous reflections by participants as described followings: 

1.      The resource persons’ contributions in facilitating the Workshop sessions, both in class and at field sites, performed their capacities which made participants satisfied. Teaching materials distributed, both for quality and quantity, are also justified appropriate. Both in class and at field sessions were successful in encouraging participants to share their views. The experts applied participatory learning process which made every session lively and productively. 

2.      All participants appreciated board and lodging, services and facilitation provided by the Organizing Committee. Duration of workshop is ideally about 5 (five) days to accommodate basic subjects, sharing views, as well as field visit. 

3.      Field visit could be extended to different types of the operational scheme. It will enrich participants’ knowledge on the different development schemes of Women Centre managed in Indonesia. 

4.      Similar workshop could be conducted in other countries. 

NAM CSSTC is requested to facilitate e-communication among participants -- might be based on its website -- as soon as possible.