Keynote Speech


Prof. Dr. Gunawan Sumodiningrat

Secretariat for the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Firstly I would like to congratulate NAM CSSTC and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia for conducting this expert meeting to formulate a basic guideline on microfinance in cooperation with the Islamic Development Bank.

We are all aware that microfinance policy is becoming more important for it is a strategic part of poverty eradicating process. We have witnessed recently that there have been series of supporting activities within the framework of poverty eradication through microfinance, such as:

  • Asia Pacific Region Microcredit Summit Meeting held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on16-19 February 2004, which reaffirmed that microfinance must reach the poorest, and encouraged international community to build self-sufficient microfinance institution.

  • High Level Policy Meeting on Microfinance and Rural Finance in Asia conducted in Yogyakarta, on 26-28 February 2004, to anticipate the UN Year of Micro Finance 2005 in building millions of Micro Finance Institutions; and the UN Millenium Development Goals for the Reduction of People living in Poverty by half in 2015. The meeting emphasized on: (1) creating condusive environment for microfinance and rural finance: (2) regulating and supervising microfinance; (3) how to organize capacity and institutional building for microfinance and ruralfinance; and (4) defining the role of central banks and governemnt in creating condusive environment for microfinance.

In the context of Indonesia development, there is a new paradigm on poverty reduction, which focused on:

  1. Poverty reduction through microfinance development

  2. Human development – small and medium entreprises development – microfinance development

  3. Role of government as facilitator

The Poverty Reduction Strategy itself comprises of:         

  1. People’s empowerment

  2. Reduction expenditure burden of poor households

  3. Formulating productivity through audits and financial management

         The implementation of such strategy includes:

  1. Mainstreaming government budget. Focusing on employment of small and medium entreprises and financial management

  2. Prioritizing bank’s credit for micro, small and medium entreprises of productive poor

  3. Providing facilitator/extension services on community development, technical production and other support facilities

The key elements should include:

  1. Empowerment of small and medium entreprises and microfinance institutions

  2. Monitoring and evaluation

  3. Legal status of microfinance institutions

Based on the practical experiences, we suggest that this expert meeting discuss the following issues:

  1. Understanding the concept of poverty

  2. Types of financial services

  3. The need of facilitator

  4. Monitoring and evaluation using information technology

  5. Legal framework for microfinance

Finally, let me conclude my speech by underlining our full support to this expert meeting since the basic guideline on microfinance is urgently needed by developing countries, particularly in coping with poverty.

I wish you a successful meeting, and have a pleasant stay in Jakarta.

Thank you.