One of the objectives of NAM CSSTC  is to enhance the collective self-reliance of NAM member countries in attaining sustained people-centered in international relations. The programmes should have immediate impact to render the economies of developing countries to be more broad-based, efficient and resilient to participate in the globalization process and to strengthen cooperation among developing countries. With the existence of several NAM centres around different regions of NAM countries, NAM CSSTC considered that cooperation among the centres should be optimally utilized. This was when NAM CSSTC took the initiative to invite other NAM Centres to attend the meeting and discuss possible fields of cooperation.

3 NAM Centres attended the meeting. They are as follows:

  1. Research and Information System for the Non-Aligned and other Developing Countries (RIS), India

  2. Centre for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned and other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Centre), India

  3. TCDC Centre of Tropical Diseases for the NAM and other Developing Countries/ Instituto de Medicina Tropical “Pedro Kouri, Cuba.

Each Centre presented profile of its institution and deliberated ideas concerning future collaboration.

At the end of the meeting, the four Centres (including NAM CSSTC) formulated a Joint Statement in which the four Centres agreed to cooperate and complement each other, and explore prioritized and indicative areas of cooperation (See Attachment 1)





Opening remarks from Mr. Omar Halim, Executive of NAM CSSTC


I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all of you to Jakarta, Indonesia, to NAM CSSTC. We appreciate very much the time, the attention and your willingness to come here and meet all of us because we feel that this is an extremely important meeting.  Referring to Basic Documents of XIIth NAM Summit in Durban, South Africa 1998, it is stated that NAM CSSTC is requested to coordinate and initiate a cooperative network with other Non-Aligned Movement Member for the implementation of its programmes. The Board of Directors of NAM CSSTC thus decided to hold a consultative meeting for a number of NAM Centres. We considered this particular meeting as a very important one since we realized that all Centres share the same concerns and issues related to the sustainable development in NAM countries. We also believe that although each Centre has its own characteristic and specialization, there are many fields of cooperation that could be explored and concretely implemented together. Capacity Building, Technology are among the areas noted as potential areas of future cooperation.

Let me start by giving you some backgrounds of what we have been implementing since the date of our establishment, In April 2001, NAM CSSTC convened a meeting to discuss basic issues in the eradication of poverty. A number of experts coming from different regions of  NAM countries assembled and identified the basic issues in the eradication of poverty, and deliberated suggestions on what could be done about them. Most of the issues are common issues of all developing countries. However, there are two issues primarily outfaced by African countries. Our African brothers feel that in order to be able to concentrate on the eradication of poverty they have to resolve these two issues which are HIV-AIDS and inter-and intra-state conflicts. We identified these particular issues as primarily African issues but not exclusively African issues.

Another area which we have had come up with is the Information and Communication Technology (ICT). We discovered that digital divide existed among us. So we have decided to come up with manuals. The manual is basically to self assess our respective countries as to where, what is their electronic readiness. Where are they in terms of the spectrum of ICT readiness. So based on this self assessment countries would be able to know if they are determined to increase their capability to higher level, what are required in terms of the electronic infrastructure, what are required in terms of training human resources. We are able to assist them evaluating themselves by providing expert from other NAM countries. Also we’re even thinking of identifying some manufactures in NAM countries which can produce computers for people in rural areas. The purpose of is to introduce ICT to rural areas. We do not need computers with Pentium 3 or 4 but a relatively simple one, but at this stage is sufficient. We’re talking about USD 200-300 per unit, if possible. These are the way we’re trying to do  so that our assistance will not only culminate in meetings and coming up with reports but to go down to the ground.

The other factor  that makes the discrepancy between the developed countries and the developing countries very serious is the development of technology. A book by Prof.Kaku, a Japanese American, a nuclear professor  discussed about technological progress in this world in the 20th century in three areas. One is quantum physics, the other is the revolution in biomolecular and the third one is computer. All these originated from quantum physics. We are from poor countries, we do not know the technology we do not have the resources to do this. It is going to be those who are in command of the technology. This is another area that we should put many concerns on.

The aforementioned areas and issues have convinced us that we really have to work hand in hand to accomplish our aims for the benefit of developing countries. We are aware that your Centres are the ones who have specialized in some areas that I previously mentioned. We believe that we could start make things happening on the ground.

Last but no least,  on behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to express our great appreciation to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia for supporting this particular meeting.



B. Presentation Session



1.     DR.Sachin Chatur Vedi, Research and Information System for the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (RIS), India

‘Profile and Proposal of RIS’


Dr. Vedi explained the profile of his organization and also circulated some publications produced by RIS.


DR.Vedi also pointed out that with the cooperation of NAM CSSTC, RIS’ capability could be refined further and be utilized to contribute to building analytical capacity in other developing and NAM member courtiers. DR.Vedi proposed some joint projects that could be taken up immediately depending on mutual interest. The programme of collaboration can expand with time as the relationship among NAM Centres grows.


The proposed joint projects are as follows:

-          Policy Workshop on Understanding the Development-Dimension of WTO Negotiations: Technical Cooperation for Capacity Building in WTO-related Issues

-          Global Reports on ‘Monitoring Trends in World Economy: Perspective of Developing Countries’

-          Visiting Research Fellowship Programme in International Economic Issues


2. Prof.Arun P.Kulshreshtha, Center for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Centre), India

’Profile and Proposal of NAM S&T


Prof.Kulshreshtha deliberated the profile of his organization emphasizing on the scope of area NAM S&T Centre is working and also its programme and activities. He pointed out that the major activity of the centre is publications on very diversified fields.


For future cooperation with other NAM Centres, Prof.Kulshreshtha proposed some subject  areas that could be jointly organized:

-          Transfer of Technology issues for capacity building to the developing countries

-          Rain water harvesting

-          Organic Farming and Accreditation

-          Non-conventional sources of energy

-          Agricultural bio technology

-          Remote sensing

-          Traditional knowledge

-          Intellectual Property Rights

-          Medicinal plants and drugs

-          Electronic Networking (video conferencing facilities in developing countries)

-          SME development with E-Commerce

-          E-readiness and Digital Divide

-          Science popularization related to poverty eradication


3.   Prof.DR.Jorge Perez, Instituto de Medicina Tropical “Pedro Kouri”

(IPK) , Cuba

‘Profile and Proposal of IPK’


Prof.Perez revealed information on his institute and its activities which specialized in research and medical care of tropical medicines and diseases.


For future cooperation with other NAM Centres, Dr.Perez suggested the followings:


-          Technical Collaboration

-          Training

-          Scientific Exchange

-          Scientific Meeting

-          Joint Research

-          Looking for new sources of financial support

-          Explore ideas for future collaboration

-          Exploring different partners

-          Creating a committee for Scientific and Technical cooperation among AM CSSTC and others – NAM Centres

-          Chairing E-mail between NAM CSSTC

-          Increasing contact among directors, researchers, and technical personal of NAM CSSTC and NAM Centres

Circulating a publication about all of characteristic and possibilities for Scientific and Technical cooperation of all NAM Centres.